2025 Participating Artists (page in progress)

Shahirah Ali

Shahirah is a Syrian-American poet, artist, co-host of the podcast Evan Diem’s Joke Doctor, and lover of the color yellow. Originally hailing from Knoxville, Tennessee, Shahirah has put new roots down in Central New York. Her works largely center on relationships, spirituality, mental health, and the blurring lines between their Arab heritage and post-9/11 American upbringing. bsky.app/profile/sarahabtw.bsky.social


Mara Alper

Mara Alper wrote professionally in NYC for 15 years in journalism, speech writing and screenwriting. She taught screenwriting and film/video production for thirty years at Pratt, NYU and Ithaca College. Her video art and documentaries screened nationally/internationally. Awards/Grants: Writers Guild; MacDowell, Yaddo, Millay, NYS Council on Arts, NEA/Rockefeller Foundation, Experimental Television Center, CAP SOS Fund. [email protected]



Aishvarya Arora

Aishvarya Arora is a poet from Queens, NY. Their collection, Mr. Time, was selected by Diannely Antigua as the winner of the Gold Line Press Poetry Contest for publication in 2026. They’ve received support from the Fulbright Program, Tupelo Press’s Merrill Family Fellowship, and the Asian American Writers’ Workshop, where they were a Poetry Coalition Fellow. Find them online at coolslug.wordpress.com

nicole v basta

nicole v basta’s poems have found homes in Ploughshares, Plume, RHINO, North American Review, The Cortland Review, Best New Poets 2023 etc. Her chapbook ‘the next field over,’ (2022) was published by Tolsun Books. nicole is also a visual artist, community educator, and arts events producer with proud roots in the Pennsylvania coal mines & garment factories. Her work has been supported by Art Farm Nebraska, Monson Arts, The Saltonstall Foundation, Terra Cultura, CAP etc.


Yao Bian

Yangzhou (Yao) Bian is a theatre practitioner from Sichuan, China. She is a Ph.D. student in Translation Studies at Binghamton University, with a research focus on creative translation and adaptation. She is the editor of the multilingual poetry collection Yorick: Polychromatic Voices and a fellow playwright of the 2025 Garden State New Play Festival.

Website: yangzhouyaobian.com
Book: barnesandnoble.com/s/yangzhou%20bian

Janie E. Bibbie

Janie E. Bibbie was Tompkins County Poet Laureate for 2023-2024.  Ms. Bibbie, a self-published author, has 16 books, including Alzheimer’s: Up Close and Personal and poetry.  As poet laureate, she encouraged others to read, write, and share poems. This year, Senator Lea Webb gave Ms. Bibbie the NYS Senate Commendation Award for her service to Tompkins County residents.

Gordon Bonnet

Gordon Bonnet has been fascinated with storytelling his entire life. He was hooked young by such greats as Madeleine L’Engle, Joan Aiken, Lloyd Alexander, and J. R. R. Tolkien, and later influenced by Haruki Murakami, Christopher Moore, and T. J. Klune. He is the author of 24 novels and the popular blog Skeptophilia.



[email protected]



LA (as in tra-la-la) Bourgeois is a lesbian humorist (Yes! We do exist!), that friend who drops by for a chit-chat and makes you spit your tea all over your new tablecloth. Her Diary of a Lesbian Housewyfe newsletter and books are filled with funny and heartfelt stories of modern living interspersed with household tips, knitting and tons about the pets because, you know, lesbians and their pets! She’s been the Lesbian Housewyfe for almost thirty-three years now, which means she’s officially an eccentric crone who has a barren field where she used to grow her…. You know. She lives in Ithaca with her wife and their lazy little pup. [email protected]




Bailey Bramer

Bailey Bramer is a poet, essayist, and fiction writer from Palm Harbor, Florida. She is a second-year writing major at Ithaca College where she edits for Stillwater Magazine and The GNAB Review. Her work has appeared in Cornell University’s DECODE-IT series, The Handwerker reading series, and the Ithaca College Writing Contest. Through her work, she hopes to hold life in hand and taste its sweetness twice.


Jennilie Brewster

Jennilie Brewster is an artist who works in various forms and in community. Her paintings and installations have been shown all over. Her essays have appeared in Catapult and the Rumpus. She produced the award-winning documentary film Fire Through Dry Grass, which was broadcast on PBS nationally and was a New York Times Critic’s Pick.


Cory Brown

Cory Brown, born in 1956, grew up in western Oklahoma and took a BA from Oklahoma State University in English and Philosophy. He is the author of five books of poems. His first won a national competition. His last three were published by Cayuga Lake Books, the most recent a collection of sonnets addressing the Covid pandemic. [email protected]



Bubblesz is a Musician, Multidisciplinary Artist, Certified Art Therapy Practitioner, Teacher, Event Curator, Motivational Speaker, Author, Herbalist, Spiritual Advisor & Holistic Wellness Coach. She is passionate about spreading love and helping others come into balance with their mind, body, and spirit. [email protected]


Michael Gray Bulla

Michael Gray Bulla is young adult novelist and poet. His first book is If I Can Give You That, and his second is The Ghost of You. He received his Bachelor’s in English from Wells College. Originally from Tennessee, Bulla currently resides in Ithaca, New York with his partner and two cats.


Yani Bunch

Ayani Bunch likes to make up stories about sports. She is an eighth grader at Lehman Alternative Community School. She plays basketball — it’s her favorite sport!

Regi Carpenter

Regi has been teaching and practicing the art and skill of storytelling and writing for over 30 years. She has performed and taught throughout the US and abroad. The recipient of numerous awards, Regi is excited to bring her skills to you to help illuminate your work.


Amanda Jaros Champion

Amanda Jaros Champion is the author of In My Boots: A Memoir of Five Million Steps Along the Appalachian Trail and 100 Things to Do in Ithaca Before You Die, and editor of Labor of Love: A Literary Mama Anthology. Other work has appeared in Flyway, Terrain.org, Appalachia, Newfound, and elsewhere. She lives in Ithaca with her husband and son. 



Roohi Choudhry

Roohi Choudhry was born in Pakistan and raised in southern Africa. She holds an MFA from the University of Michigan, was awarded a New York Foundation for the Arts fellowship, and facilitates writing workshops for community organizations. Her debut novel, Outside Women, was called “riveting… an incisive story of how change happens” by Publishers’ Weekly. Learn more at roohichoudhry.com/   


Aidan Cobb

Aidan Cobb is an educator and published poet originally from Connecticut. With five years of elementary teaching experience, he currently instructs first grade students at R.C. Buckley in Lansing, NY. He has conducted children’s poetry workshops in both Connecticut and New York and believes in using fun, creative, and multidisciplinary methods to engage children in creative writing and poetry.

Sam Corradetti

Sam Corradetti’s work has been supported by The Fabulist, Fourteen Hills, Folklore Review, the Rin Kelly scholarship for speculative fiction, a Yellow Door fellowship at Prospect Street Writers House, a Bookends fellowship at the Lichtenstein Center of Stony Brook University, and others. Sam received an MFA from Temple University and is currently pursuing a PhD in English at Binghamton University. 


Lee Cotman

Lee Cotman makes art for and about working-class people. Their many roles – medievalist, parent, poet, and clown – all demand a knack for storytelling. Lee’s creative writing has been published extensively in the U.S. and U.K., and has placed in multiple contests. They are currently earning a Master’s degree at Empire State University, studying queer and trans representation in historical cinema. leecotman.com/

Susan Annah Currie

Susan Annah Currie is a librarian, author & Tompkins County legislator. As a librarian, she worked at Cornell & SUNY Binghamton. In 2009, she was chosen to be the director of TCPL, retiring as the Finger Lakes Library Director of the year. The Preventorium is the winner of a 2023 Memoir Magazine award, & was nominated for the Life Writing category of the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters. She has presented at the MS Book Festival, Spring Writes, TCPL & the MS Dept of Archives and History. [email protected]




Jamie Davidson

Working at the intersection of ethnography and performance, Jamie has been awarded the Society for Humanistic Anthropology’s Ethnographic Poetry Prize and SHA’s President’s Award for Writing. Her recent work appears in LiminalitiesAnthropology and Humanism, and Current Anthropology. [email protected]

Alida Dean

Alida Dean‘s poetry and prose has recently appeared in Chicago Quarterly Review, The Forge, Ninth Letter, and SmokeLong Quarterly, among other venues. Alida teaches online writing workshops through the nonprofit Literary Cleveland and lives in Ithaca, NY with her partner and daughter.


Sandrine Dupiton

Sandrine’s work has been at the intersection of education, the arts and wellness emphasizing creative/spiritual personal development, leadership and liberation. She believes in the necessity of disruption and truth telling. She currently serves as an associate dramaturg, trains groups in restorative justice practices, & develops healing arts programs that use storytelling and deep listening to support reimagining futures. 


Erica Rose Eberhart

Erica Rose Eberhart is a neurodivergent, disabled writer of queer characters, dragons, girls who grow feathers, and boys who become trees. She resides in the Finger Lakes of New York with her partner, child, and orange cat. She has a BA and MA in English. TARNISHED is her debut novel. You can learn more at ericaroseeberhart.com or follow her @ericaroseeberhart. ericaroseeberhart.com/


Oden Entwood

Oden Entwood is a senior at LACS. He likes to write when he gets the motivation. Otherwise, he experiments with art and listens to music.

Augusto Luiz Facchini

Augusto Facchini is a Brazilian-born writer residing in Ithaca, NY. He has a PhD in English from Binghamton University and his writing has been published in the Rio Grande Review and Whimsy.

Liza Flum

Liza Flum’s poetry has appeared in AGNI, Narrative, Meridian, Washington Square Review, Lambda Literary, and Zócalo Public Square. She holds an MFA in poetry from Cornell and a PhD in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Utah. She currently works as a visiting lecturer in English at Rochester Institute of Technology. Hover (Omnidawn, 2025) is her first book. lizaflum.org


Jordan E. Franklin

Jordan E. Franklin hails from Brooklyn, NY. She received her MFA from Stony Brook Southampton and is a doctoral candidate at Binghamton University. She is the author of the poetry collection, when the signals come home (Switchback Books). Her work has appeared in Breadcrumbs, Frontier, the Southampton Review, Torch Literary Arts, and elsewhere.


Sam Gellar

Sam Gellar kicked off her writing career in high school when her play Life Versus the Paperback Romance gained national attention and was subsequently performed off-broadway, starring Mary Louise Parker. FADE INTO YOU is her first novel. She feeds her creativity and inner nerd with tabletop gaming. She resides in Dryden with her wife and gaggle of rescue furbabies. [email protected]



Jesse Gilleland

Jesse Gilleland is a queer writer, scholar, and English PhD student at Binghamton University. Their fiction writing explores the body in relation to the landscape, often through the lens of magical realism, but always with intent to challenge the norm.

Sarah Giragosian

Sarah Giragosian is the author of the poetry collections Queer Fish, a winner of the American Poetry Journal Book Prize (Dream Horse Press, 2017), and The Death Spiral (Black Lawrence Press, 2020). In 2023, the University of Akron Press published the craft anthology Marbles on the Floor: How to Assemble a Book of Poems, which she co-edited. In 2024, Middle Creek Press released Mother Octopus, a co-winner of the Halcyon Prize. [email protected]



David Guaspari

David Guaspari was trained as a pure mathematician and claims to be, of all post-19th century mathematical logicians, the funniest. In addition to technical papers, he has published short fiction, essays, humor, travel, and reviews, and has had plays performed in states totaling 331 electoral votes as well as five foreign countries.


Joseph Heiland

Joseph Heiland is a writer from upstate New York. He has stories published at Eastern Iowa Review, Lumina Journal, and Reed Magazine. He received an MFA in fiction from Sarah Lawrence College and is currently earning his PhD in English at Binghamton University. [email protected]

féi hernandez

féi hernandez is a 2 Spirit/trans formerly undocumented, multidisciplinary artist and author of HOOD CRIATURA, and forthcoming (UN)DOCU MENTE. They are a 2023 Lambda Literary Fellow and 2021 Tin House Alumni. She is descendant of the Rarámuri, Pi’ma, and Cora peoples. [email protected]


Freyja Hill

Freyja Hill is a student at LACS who writes primarily poetry about her personal experience and perspectives on love, death, and everything in between.

Nancy Holzner

Nancy Holzner is a writer and editor who lives in Ithaca. She began her career as a medievalist, then jumped off the tenure track to work in publishing. Her published works include technical books, short stories, and seven novels, including the Deadtown urban fantasy series. Nancy is currently working on a Gothic haunted house novel set in New Hampshire. www.goodreads.com/author/show/2184228.Nancy_Holzner


Akua Lezli Hope

Akua Lezli Hope, a Grand Master of Fantastic Poetry and paraplegic creator of poems, patterns, stories, music, and sculpture, has been in print since 1974. Her collections include Embouchure: Poems on Jazz and Other Musics (Writer’s Digest Book Award) &Otherwheres: Speculative Poetry (Elgin Award). Her honors include NEA & NYFA fellowships; SFPA, Rhysling & IGNYTE awards; and NYSCA grants.



Tre Hoyt

Tre Hoyt is a senior at LACS. He’s not clear, straight, or direct. He can’t, nor ever will be. He writes in secret to not forget certain layers of himself, so there’s no proof he’s any good.

Kira Hutko

Kira Hutko uses her writing to express her feelings within. She tends to write about her perspective of society and the humanity of emotion. Kira strives to be a voice for all who want to be heard, and she dreams to make a change.

Clare Jones

Clare Jones is a writer and editor. Her work has been supported by the New York State Council on the Arts, Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts, the Fulbright Program, and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She leads The Writers’ Room, which meets every first and third Wednesday from 6–7pm at the Tompkins County Public Library.


Susan J Kaplan

Susan taught English and directed theatre productions in the Ithaca City School District for 34 years. After, she taught academic writing at TCCc for another 12 years. She served on the Hangar Theatre Board for 28 years and the Kitchen Theatre Board for 6. For 7 years, she supplied the dramaturgical material for the Hangar Program. This is her second year directing Lifelong’s Play it Again Senior Theatre Troupe.

Denice Peter Karamardian

Denice Peter Karamardian thought her family was Syrian until her teens, when she learned of her grandfather’s Armenian heritage. She spent a lifetime interviewing family members and shaping the ODAR trilogy.
She is retired from a rich tapestry of overlapping careers including voice instructor, radio host/producer, vocal and theater performance, columnist. Denice also owns and publishes the Finger Lakes Libations.



Sadie Kingra

Sadie Kingra is a senior at LACS. She likes to write poetry about the more vulnerable parts of her life. When she isn’t writing, she likes to watch movies and read fantasy novels.

Emily Sun Li

Emily Sun Li is a Chinese American author with an M.S.Ed. from the University of Pennsylvania and an MFA in Writing for Children from Simmons University. Her nonfiction chapter book, THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE FLUFFY: TRUE STORIES OF ANIMAL TROUBLEMAKERS (Scholastic) released in Fall 2024, and her picture book MR. CHOW’S NIGHT MARKET (Penguin Workshop) publishes in Spring 2026. [email protected]



Connor Logue

Connor Logue is a senior at the Lehman Alternative Community School. He loves to bike, hike, and spend time outdoors . Connor is spending his senior year reflecting on his time at LACS, spreading love, and focusing on improving his creative and personal writing.

Savannah Loiacono

Savannah Loiacono is a senior at LACS. She loves musical theatre, activism, napping, and has recently discovered her poetic voice! She will be attending SUNY Geneseo next year with a major in Women’s Studies and a possible minor in Musical Theatre.

Katharyn Howd Machan

For three and a half decades Katharyn Howd Machan, picking up where Rod Serling left off, has taught creative writing at Ithaca College. Her specialty courses are Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy and first-year seminars called Fairy Tales: The Hero’s Journey. Her work has appeared in 40 published collections and many magazines, anthologies, and textbooks. [email protected] faculty.ithaca.edu/machan/ 

Judy Malloy

Judy Malloy is an actress, writer and massage therapist. She has performed on and off Broadway and developed an award-winning one-woman show in NYC. “Gabriella” her first novel was published while living in England. Her work as a healer has spanned three decades. The poignant stories she has witnessed with her hands and heart have inspired “Touch” her play-in-progress. [email protected]

Sue Meredith Mann

Empowering partner to organizations. Author. Former South African diplomat. Former Big 4 Consultant. Adventurer. Post-PTSD thriver. And rocker of a bad-ass phoenix tattoo. All of this is weaved into my work and writing. [email protected] bf.ontheroadtojericho.com/

Yessica Martinez

Yessica Martinez is a poet and educator from Queens, NY. Originally from Medellin, Colombia, she identifies as an illegalized migrant who currently holds Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status. A Cornell MFA graduate, her writing has been featured in Los Angeles Review, Willow Springs Magazine, Aster(ix), and Here to Stay: Poetry and Prose from the Undocumented Diaspora. yessicamartinez.org


Anne Mazer

Anne Mazer is the author of forty-four award-winning books including the classic picture book The Salamander Room, the bestselling series “The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes, and many others. She is co-author, with Ellen Potter, of Spilling Ink: A Handbook for Young Writers. She has edited four acclaimed YA anthologies widely used in elementary through college classrooms. annemazerbooks.com


Tommy is a writer and a teacher and go-outside-er. 3 of his favorite things are: 1. friendship 2. Things toddlers say 3. A really good diner breakfast, shared. 


Jerry Mirskin

Jerry Mirskin ‘s poetry has appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies. His first manuscript was the winner of the Mammoth Books Prize for Poetry. Mammoth Books published three of Jerry’s full-length collections. An essay, “The Hard Part Is Knowing What To Say: The Poetry Of Jerry Mirskin,” about Jerry’s writing, was featured in The Hollins Critic. [email protected]


Tommy Mitchell

Tommy Mitchell is a Junior at LACS. They write a lot of different things in their English class. Outside of school, Tommy enjoys doing theater, playing the trombone, and drawing.

Emily Mure

Emily Mure is a musician, Certified Creative Coach, and teacher dedicated to making authentic art and helping others do the same. Originally a classical musician, Emily studied Oboe Performance and Psychology at Ithaca College before shifting to folk music and songwriting. She supports creatives of all kinds, drawing on her background in psychology, mindfulness meditation, and teaching music and songwriting. [email protected]



Howard Nelson

Howard Nelson lives in Scipio, Cayuga County, but spends a lot of time in Ithaca where his children and grandchildren live. [email protected]


Elisabeth Nonas

Novelist and screenwriter Elisabeth Nonas taught screenwriting and writing for emerging media at Ithaca College for twenty-five years and shared her pedagogy in Story Workout: Exercises to Help You Connect with the Stories You Want to Tell. She has written short stories, magazine articles, and essays. Her novel Grace Period was published in 2024. She is working on a sequel. elisabethnonas.com

Imogen Osborne

Imogen Osborne is a British writer living in Ithaca, NY. She recently completed her mfa in poetry at Cornell. You can find her work on her website.


Raul Palma

Raul Palma is the author of the novel A HAUNTING IN HIALEAH GARDENS and the short story collection IN THIS WORLD OF ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT. He is a member of the fiction faculty at Ithaca College and the Associate Dean of Faculty in the School of Humanities & Sciences. [email protected]



Aggeliki Pelekidis

Aggeliki Pelekidis worked in public relations in NYC for years before earning a Ph.D in English with a creative writing emphasis from Binghamton University. Her collection of short stories, Patrimonium, won the Distinguished Dissertation Award. Her writing has appeared in The Michigan Quarterly Review, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Confrontation, and more. Her novel, Unlucky Mel, was published by Cornell University Press. [email protected]



Jon Raimon

Jon Raimon teaches personal and creative writing at the Lehman Alternative Community School. He writes along with his students, focusing on poetry and short fiction.

Suzanne Richardson

Suzanne Richardson earned her M.F.A. in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the University of New Mexico. She currently lives in Binghamton, New York where she’s a Ph.D. student in creative writing at SUNY Binghamton. She is working on a memoir, Throw it Up, and a full poetry collection, The Want Monster which was recently named a finalist for the 2024 Saturnalia Press Book Awards. Her work has appeared in New Ohio Review, Bomb Magazine, Gulf Coast, Poet Lore, and DIALOGIST.



Itzel Robles

Itzel Robles is a Mexican soprano and vocal pedagogue who is pursuing her Master’s Degree at Binghamton University. Her performances include roles in Die Zauberflöte, Hansel and Gretel, Suor Angelica, Gianni Schicchi, How Nanita Learned to Make Flan, and Die Fledermaus. She has been the soloist in Mozart’s Coronation Mass, Missa Brevis in C major, and Carmina Burana. [email protected]

Karen Rodriguez

Karen Rodriguez is a filmmaker and cinematographer. The owner of WIND-UP PICTURES, she is the director of photography of the documentary ELIZABETH BISHOP AND THE ART OF LOSING and the director of documentary short GETTING OUT OF THE BOX. A 2017 Fulbright Scholar, Karen holds an MFA in Film and Video Production from the University of Iowa Graduate College. [email protected]


Dan Rosenberg

Dan Rosenberg is the Tompkins County Poet Laureate. His books include Bassinet, cadabra, and The Crushing Organ, which won the American Poetry Journal Book Prize. He has also published the chapbooks A Thread of Hands and Thigh’s Hollow, which won the Omnidawn Poetry Chapbook Contest, and he co-translated Slovenian poet Miklavž Komelj’s Hippodrome.


Stella Sapp-Dietrich

Stella Sapp-Dietrich is a senior at LACS and is pursuing a degree in International Relations next year. Some of her favorite authors and poets include Nikki Giovanni, James Baldwin, and bell hooks

K.E. Semmel

K.E. Semmel has translated more than a dozen books. His essays have been published in HuffPost, Lithub, The Millions, Electric Literature, Washington Post, The Writer’s Chronicle, and elsewhere. The Book of Losman, his debut novel, is a speculative fiction about a literary translator in Copenhagen with Tourette’s syndrome who gets involved in an experimental study to find a cure. kesemmel.com/


D.A. Xiaolin Spires

D.A. Xiaolin Spires’ 100+ speculative fiction stories are published in Clarkesworld, Uncanny, Nature, Terraform and elsewhere. Her works have been selected for The Year’s Top Robot and AI Stories, Year’s Best Hardcore Horror and The Year’s Top Tales of Space and Time Stories. Her poetry has been nominated for the Dwarf Star, Rhysling, Best of the Net and Pushcart Awards. bsky.app/profile/spires.bsky.social


Amber Smith

Amber Smith is the New York Times and internationally bestselling author of The Way I Used to Be, The Way I Am Now, The Last to Let Go, and Something Like Gravity. Next up is FADE INTO YOU, cowritten with her wife, Sam Gellar. Amber writes in the hope that her books can help to foster change and spark dialogue.



Ollie Stephenson

Ollie Stephenson is a senior at LACS and in the Construction Trades program at BOCES. He works as a line cook, and spends his free time writing, sleeping, and dreaming strange dreams. He loves punk music, bad movies, and getting to the truth of the matter.

M. Stevenson

M. Stevenson is the author of Behooved, published by Bramble and Hodderscape in May 2025. An amateur naturalist and avid swing dancer, she holds degrees from Brown University (BA, Geology-Biology) and the University of Idaho (MEd, Environmental Education). She is based in the Finger Lakes region of New York.



Elizabeth Stuelke

Elizabeth is an early/mid-career, over-40 female writer and film director. She strives to make evocative work spotlighting female-driven stories of family connection, loss, and generational trauma to promote positive change in the lives of those most affected. [email protected]



Melissa Tuckey

Melissa Tuckey is a poet, editor, and teaching artist who lives in Ithaca, New York. She is author of Tenuous Chapel, which won the first book award at ABZ Press and Ghost Fishing: An Eco-Justice Poetry Anthology published by University of Georgia Press. She’s a former Poet Laureate of Tompkins Country.


Jack Wang

Jack Wang is the author of the novel THE RIVETER, published by HarperVia in 2025, and the story collection WE TWO ALONE, winner of the 2021 Central New York Book Award in fiction and the 2020 Danuta Gleed Literary Award for best debut collection in English from the Writers’ Union of Canada. He teaches writing at Ithaca College.



Hana Widerman

Born to a Japanese mother and an American father, Hana Widerman is a poet originally from California. She is currently an MFA student at Cornell University, where she was the 2024 recipient of the George Harmon Coxe Poetry Prize. Her poetry appears or is forthcoming in The Threepenny Review, The Washington Square Review, The Offing, The Journal, and elsewhere. hanawiderman.com/

Evan D. Williams

Evan’s latest book, Brackmeadow: A Poem in Dialogue (Bottlecap Press) follows several wayfarers whose urban neighborhood has been deleted by a greedy algorithm. Backlist titles include Dear Excavator (April Gloaming), a collection of 49 prose poems that songwriter Mary Gauthier called “a hope dream partially remembered.” Evan lives in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains with his wife and cats.

bottlecap.press/products/brackmeadow aprilgloaming.com/shop/dear-excavator

Liz Ann Young

Liz Ann Young is a poet, writer and educator with roots in Michigan and Montana. She lives on a small farm with dogs, cats, chickens, and some humans too, on unceded Haudenosaunee and Susquehannock land, working towards her phD at Binghamton University. Her work has been published by Black Heart, Big Muddy, Tinderbox Poetry, San Pedro River Review, and more.


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